Massage Techniques

RMT’s are educated in many different massage therapy techniques. Just a few of the techniques that your Registered Massage Therapist may use are listed below.
Our RMT’s will choose the most appropriate techniques for your individual situation.

Deep Friction Massage
Refers to the specific technique in which the hand remains in contact with the skin and the superficial tissues. Deeper than Swedish Massage, this technique is more specifically focused to disrupt adhesions in muscles and connective tissue. This technique is used for maintaining or restoring painless mobility of musculoskeletal structures and is considered indispensable in the treatment of many forms of tendonitis.

Joint Mobilization Techniques
This technique involves the movement of a joint beyond the range that a patient can perform voluntarily, through application of external force, either to overcome mechanical resistance or to produce motion in a direction that cannot be produced through voluntary muscle activity. It is often used on patients with osteoarthritis, meniscal problems, ligament sprains, frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis to aid in restoration of normal range of motion.

Neuromuscular Therapy
A comprehensive approach to treatment that focuses on restoring physiological balance. This group of techniques works to correct ischemia (lack of blood flow), trigger points (muscle knots), nerve compression or entrapment, postural distortion and biomechanical disfunction.

Onsen Therapy
Methods to correct pain causing structural and functional deviations in order to provide long-term relief. Techniques include orthopedic physical assessment and active-release therapy.

Muscle Energy and Active Release Therapy
Muscle contraction against resistance to realign muscle fibres for increased extensibility and inhibition of nerve impulses that cause restriction or movement barriers. This process re-sets the resting length of shortened muscle, improving range of motion.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Refers to the specific technique developed for the purpose of increasing lymph flow through the system of lymph vessels to reduce tissue fluid accumulation or edema. It consists of a series of gentle movements of light pressure usually applied in a circular pattern.

Swedish Massage
Fingers, palms and knuckles are used in stroking, kneading or wringing movements. Friction, vibration and percussion are also part of Swedish Massage. These techniques are used to heat up the tissues and increase muscle mobility. They are also effective in reducing pain and nerve sensitivity.

Connective Tissue Massage
Refers to a technique of applying strokes that produces a pull on the skin to connective tissue zones. This technique is especially useful in loosening and relaxing tissues prior to therapeutic exercises following surgery or trauma.

Myofascial Trigger Point
Therapy involving the systematic location, identification, and release of active and latent myofascial trigger points. This technique is used to decrease pain associated with muscle contractions and is often applied prior to performing deep massage, joint mobilizations, stretches or remedial exercise. This technique has its roots in acupressure and shiatsu.

Therapeutic Exercise
Massage therapist do more than provide “hands-on” therapy. They also may prescribe exercises to prevent muscular atrophy, adhesions, contractures, and to maintain normal joint range of motion. Specific exercises improve muscular coordination, strength, endurance flexibility, develop normal range of motion, and improve balance and stability.

Visceral Manipulations (abdominal organs)
A gentle hands-on therapy that works through the bodies visceral system (heart, liver, intestines and other internal organs). By treating abnormal tone, adhesions or displacement it encourages normal mobility, tone and motion of connective tissues and internal organs.